The manga begins at the Taigai academy closing ceremony for the school year. The headmaster, Rase Iyaga announces that this year she is giving the junior class a special present for the summer break. The special present is a study assignment based on a wheel of fortune spin with a thrown dart identifying the subject. The winning assignment is relativity. When student body president Ruka Minagi protests, the headmaster lets him 'volunteer' to study the subject and report on it so the other students can take their beach break. Rase's misadventures while he is learning about relativity and his unusual teacher make his summer study unpredictable. To find out if he succeeds in learning and reporting on relativity, and what happens to the academy, you will have to read it.
This interesting manga combines the wonderful artwork and story line of the manga with the basics of relativity. The storyline like many manga involves conflict, flirting, and complicated relationships between the characters. The science is introduced in the story through one of the characters who is a teacher. The explanations are accompanied by illustrations and specific formulas and diagrams. The artwork was colorful for the most part. The one area I was disappointed in was the caricature of Einstein. The same exact pose is used multiple times through the book. It is as though the artist had only seen one photo of Einstein and was unable to creatively modify his expression for various instances of his mention in the manga.
A very enjoyable read and I plan to leave it on the teen center table for the enjoyment of all.
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: No Starch Press; 1 edition (April 22, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1593272723
ISBN-13: 978-1593272722
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