Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Deep Brain Learning: Pathways to Potential with Challenging Youth

 Deep Brain Learning: Pathways to Potential with Challenging Youth
 written_by: Larry K Brendtro, Phd; Martin L Mitchell EdD; Herman J McCall, EdD
 publisher: Star Commonwealth
 ISBN: 978-1-60725-789-9
date: 2009


genre: Adult Nonfiction: Neuroscience, Psychology, Brain development

description: This informative book surveys and critiques a variety of scientific research and studies, cultural studies, and practicing programs dealing with brain development and challenging youth.  It also introduces 25 principles for working effectively with these youth.  The book compares and advocates a synthesis of Psychoanalytic, behaviorist and cognitive psychological theories to address the needs of challenging youth and the adults who work with them.  The chapters on cultures of discord and cultures of respect presented interesting information and case studies on what can happen when a youth is surrounded by a culture of discord, versus what can happen when a youth is surrounded by a culture of respect.  Some areas I found helpful were the discussions about trust, resilience (as intelligence) and problem solving in crisis.  Rethinking Discipline was an interesting chapter which took a look at reward/punishment systems and how they are mainly used to maintain control by adults rather than teaching pro-social skills and behaviors.   The extensive bibliography provides an excellent resource for further study into particular areas of further interest.

As a youth center coordinator, I found many interesting and helpful case studies and suggestions which I can use in my contact with challenging youth.
This wonderful overview of a number of techniques and programs for working with challenging youth encourages me to look further into some of these techniques and areas of study.

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