Saturday, October 20, 2012

Kingsbury Collection by Karen Kingsbury

Product Details

ISBN 9781601424273
Trade Paperback
752 pages
$19.99 US
$23.99 CAN
ebook ISBN 9780307562029

This collection of three Christian novels combines drama, mystery and courtroom drama.  The first novel, "Where Yesterday Lives" looks at how secrets from the past can intrude into our lives so much that our present lives can fall apart.  Ellen, a reporter, is forced to revisit the past when her father dies and she is suddenly back with her sisters, brother, and mom.  The family conflicts and hidden secrets along with unresolved feeling Ellen has for a former boyfriend tempt Ellen to make some potentially disastrous choices about herself, her marriage and her family.  The dynamic between Ellen and her sister Jane is heartrendingly realistic.

This strongly Christian novel does confront life's temptations and daily choices but is not 'preachy' in delivery.  The story was well written and skillfully drawn.

The second novel, "When Joy Came to Stay", while also looking at how secrets from the past can and do affect our current lives and mental health, is quite a different story from the first.  This story takes a frank look at the loss a woman feels when she gives up a child for adoption and how the burden of keeping it a complete secret from friends and family can take a toll on her mental health, her day to day functioning, her marriage and her relationship with family. It is also a strong statement on the power of prayer, faith and love. Maggie Stovall, a strong successful woman who appears to have everything is silently struggling with choices from her past and with visions of the child that might have been hers, had she not given her up as a newborn.  She tries to comfort herself by telling herself that her daughter is safe in a better home, but can't convince herself because of the disturbing visions she keeps having of a young blond girl seeking her.  She has never admitted to her husband what happened in her past although she tends to blame him for her current distress.  Meanwhile, there are physical and emotional dangers facing  Maggie, her husband, Ben, and her long lost daughter.   I don't want to spoil the ending so you will just have to read it to find out if everything is safely resolved.

The third novel, "On Every Side"  Joshua Nunn, a lawyer who specializes in defending religious freedom for Christians.  In this intriguing story, we get a peek into both sides of the courtroom drama and into some of the backroom planning.  Joshua has recently lost his  longtime law partner who was a dynamic force for defending freedom.  When Jordan, a former foster child, returns to Bethany to sue for removal of a historical statue of Jesus from the local park, Joshua worries that he is not the force his former partner was, but prays for guidance.  Jordon struggles with his unresolved grief over the boyhood loss of his mother, his unanswered prayers for her healing, and his separation from his sister.  The town struggles over how to save their statue.  Faith, a local news anchor, chooses religious freedom over her job and struggles to help her town through this crisis. 

I recommend this book highly as a moving testament to the complications life holds and the faith that can overcome all.

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